Direct Fast Blue B2RL (direct blue 71) |
Product name:Direct Fast Blue B2RL (direct blue 71) |
Item:1161 direct blue 71 |
Details: |
1161 Direct Fast Blue 71 B2RL dyes [ Molecular Formula ] : C40H23N7Na4O13S4 [ Colour Index ] : C.I. Direct Blue 71 [Cas No]. 4399-55-7 [Molecular Weight]: 1029.86 [H.S. Code]: 3204140000 [Appearance]: Dark Blue Powder [Strength]:100% 150%,175% [Shade]: To the similar standard of the factory [Moisture%]:0.9 Max [Properties]:It is very soluble in water and alcohol [Use] : Dyeing Cotton and Viscose Fabric.Also can dying Sik and Nylon Fabric. |